iScreensaver Designer 3: Make Screensavers for Mac and Windows with QuickTime
The World's Only Cross Platform Screensaver Design Tool
More Compatible! iScreensaver Designer will create screensavers for Macintosh and Windows using any QuickTime-compatible file. Create screensavers, with Installers, for both Macintosh and Windows PCs, using a single computer. |
More Capable! The Wizard will guide you through the steps to quickly create your first screensaver. The Slide Show editor includes advanced features such as automatic image resize and variable jpeg compression. Or, include a QuickTime movie, AVI, or any other video format. Create a special hidden bonus screensaver that can be unlocked with a code. |
More Creative! QuickTime 7 supports multi-platform hi-def H.264 video. Easy drag-n-drop picture arrangement with our Slide Show editor. Learn with the Free Download, then take it to the Professional level. |
Best of all - save time and money! Create both Mac and Windows screensavers from the single machine that's on your desk - no need to own extra hardware to go cross-platform. Unlike other products, with iScreensaver Designer, what you see is truly what you get. |
iScreensaver Designer for Macintosh and Windows
Using a Macintosh? Need to build a Windows screensaver? No Problem!
Using Windows? Need to build a Macintosh screensaver? No Problem!
What's New In Version 3.5?
iScreensaver Designer 3, for Mac or Windows, will convert any QuickTime movie file or slide shows of any still images, into standalone installers for Macintosh OS 9 to 10.5, and Windows ME, 2000, XP, and Vista. Bringing cross-platform capabilities to your desktop with a single button!
Screensavers created with iScreensaver Designer will function :
- in Windows, as a Screen Saver Control Panel (.SCR file)
- in Mac OS 9 as a Control Panel Application
- in Mac OS X, as a System Preferences Screen Saver (.saver file)
What are iScreensaver Designer's specific system requirements?
Screensaver Features:
- Popular compatibilty : Works on Windows ME/2000/XP/2003 and Vista, and Mac OS 9 to 10.5. (System Requirements)
- Simple install : Clean, single-file Installation, with customizeable installation dialog ( Win | Mac ) Doesn't clutter your hard disk with files. Also doesn't install system extensions or permanent DLLs (which can crash your computer). The screensavers install on both Mac and Windows and can be used immediately without restarting!
- Alternate Content and Unlocking Feature : Users can obtain a special unlocking code from you to gain access to deluxe content that you have added. Make money with your screensaver!
- Image protection : Photos are stored in a proprietary format which reduces improper use.
- Password protection : Blocks improper use of your computer.
- Screen Resolution : Images and movies can be stretched to fit screen size or played at their natural size.
- Smart Install : Automatically and safely deactivates other screensavers during the installation process.
- Auto Re-install : Detects installation problems and offers to fix them automatically.
- Easy Uninstall : You can deactivate and remove the software from within the screensaver itself. No need to run a separate "uninstall" program.
- Hot Corners : "Sleep Now" / "Never Sleep" corners for either immediate or no activiation.
- Silence : Sound controls and global Sound Mute.
- Wake-up Options : Wake on mouse-click, mouse movement, or keypress only selectable.
- Website Connectivity : "Link Back" so your screensaver users can easily find your website.
- Live Preview during installation : Preview the screensaver in operation, before you have installed it!
- Multiple monitor support : Blanks all other monitors.
Editing Environment Features:
- Movies : Turn any QuickTime movie file into a screensaver (including MooV, MPEG, MP3, MIDI, some Flash *, etc.).
- Slide Shows : Turn any QuickTime image files into a screensaver (including Picts, JPGs, BMPs, PNGs, etc.).
- Multi-platform Compatiblity : Solid Industry Standards-based (uses standard QuickTime file types, uses the standard Windows .SCR format, and uses the standard Macintosh OS X .saver format).
- Click'n build : Build (Win | Mac ) a "one-click" installer for easy distribution of your screensaver.
- Simple-to-use editor : Actually preview ( Win | Mac ) exactly what the Windows and Macintosh modules and Control Panels will look like from the Build System!
- Alternate Content and Unlocking Features : ( Win | Mac ) Add a second deluxe movie to the screensaver, and select a secret unlocking code. You can then sell the unlocking code on your website, which allows users access to the deluxe movie. Make money with your screensaver!
- Per-module custom settings : Save multiple projects, with icons, splash screens, and module info.
- Flexible Cross-platform Project Bundling : Transfer entire projects from Windows to Mac, and vice versa - for when creative teams of designers need to move between systems.
- Full Branding Available : Splash the screensaver control panel and installer with your corporate logos and text.
- Much cheaper than the competition : feature to feature.
- Free Trial Download : Try before you buy with no time limit!
iScreensaver Designer for Windows and Macintosh
The only product in its class - Designer is an editing and creation tool for making screensavers. It is truly 'cross-platform', in that you can run Designer on either Mac or Windows, and each version can create screensavers for both Mac and Windows. Other products advertise that they support both Mac and Windows, but these solutions require you to run software on both systems, and create two project files, and edit artwork on both -- resulting in nearly 4 times the work! Just do it once. On your system.
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Xochi™, XochiMedia™, iScreensaver™, iScreensaver Designer™,
iScreensaver Classic™, and the DoubleRing logo are trademarks of Xochi Media Inc.
Apple®, Macintosh®, and QuickTime® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Apple Inc.
Adobe® and Adobe Flash® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Adobe, Inc.
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