iScreensaver: macOS 10.13 High Sierra - 32 vs 64 bit screensavers
Legacy document: iScreensaver 6 provides full support for macOS 10.13 and higher.
Please read about the latest version.
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Last Update: Thursday, 26-Mar-2020 00:21:21 PDT
Background & Summary
In macOS 10.13.4 (High Sierra) Apple has decided to warn users who are running 32-bit software. This warning is an early notice that, at some point in the future, with some unspecified version of macOS, Apple may remove the ability for 32 bit software to work. Unfortunately, the warning message is not very clear, and so we have written this document to clarify what you, as either an author, or as an end user of iScreensaver, should do.
32-bit app compatibility warning in macOS High Sierra 10.13.4:
Key Points
- Screensavers built with iScreensaver Designer 5.2.0 or later will continue to function in High Sierra (10.13.4), although there are some issues that are new to 10.13: See High Sierra and iScreensaver
- It is likely that screensavers built with iScreensaver 5.2.0 or later will function with future 10.13.x updates, although Apple has not made a definite statement on the topic.
- iScreensaver Designer 5.2 currently builds screensavers that are a mix of 32-bit and 64-bit code. We are working on moving to pure 64-bit code and will notify all customers when that is ready. Please make sure you are on our iScreensaver Mailing List to receive notification
- Apple's Documentation on the issue: 32-bit app compatibility with macOS High Sierra 10.13.4
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